APUEA will host its newly established flagship event Asia Urban Energy Assembly, during 11-12 November 2021 in Bangkok, Thailand.
The Asia Urban Energy Assembly is an international two-day event facilitating dialogues on sustainable urban energy topics between energy professionals, government agencies, city representatives, and investors. The theme of the event is “Towards a carbon-neutral future”, covering Smart Energy City (SEC), Multi Energy Systems (MES), District Energy (DE), and related energy topics.
As an integrated part of the Asia Urban Energy Assembly, the 7th Global District Energy Climate Awards will be hosted by APUEA, recognizing world-leading district energy projects while highlighting how district energy systems help cities and communities transition towards a carbon-neutral future. The Global District Energy Climate Awards has previously been held in Copenhagen, Paris, New York, Tallinn, Doha, and Reykjavik. This year is the first time this event is held in the Asia-Pacific, which offers excellent opportunities for regional actors to promote their offerings and references for the international District Energy community.
The expected participation during the two day event includes the Ministry of Energy (Thailand) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Japan and Denmark), City representatives (ASEAN, China, and India), United Nations (ESCAP and Environment), World Economic Forum, Developers (East Economic Corridor of Thailand), Investors (Asian Development Bank), and se ctor association members (APUEA, Euroheat & Power, Danish Board of District Heating), among many others.